Amazing Race Yuma County is preparing for next week

YUMA, Arizona (KYMA, KECY) – Attend the Chamber of Commerce on Friday, June 18 at 1:00 p.m. for a race through Yuma County that includes fun challenges complete with a networking Reception ends. A post-race reception at the Four Points Sheraton follows the end of the race at 6:30 pm

All registration slots are taken, but spectators are still welcome to see the gadgets going on in town.

The teams are given an initial starting point and a registration time. There will be four staggered start times at 15 minute intervals, with five teams per interval. A team’s start time is recorded so that the winning team’s performance is based on actual time from start to finish, not on which team will finish first.

The teams receive their first challenge at the starting point. When the first challenge begins, an individual team’s start time is recorded. After completing the first challenge, the team is given a checklist of ten places to visit in order to complete the race. That team then goes to the first location and so on.

At each location, the team has to master the challenge of that location. Once the challenge is complete, a site representative will sign off the team’s checklist and send them an envelope filled with puzzle pieces.

Once the team has successfully mastered all the challenges at all ten locations, it has to reach the goal. However, before a team can officially cross the finish line, it must complete a puzzle using all the puzzle pieces received during the race. After successfully completing the puzzle, the team’s completion time is noted in order to calculate the total running time of the race.

The winning team is the one that finishes the race in the shortest possible time. Prizes will be awarded!

The Center for Disease Control’s COVID-19 guidelines must be followed. Whenever possible, a minimum distance of 1.8 meters must be maintained. Masks should be worn when physical distancing is not possible outdoors and at all times indoors, unless eating or drinking is taking place at a table.

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