February 16, 2021 evening weather update for Tucson | Weather

Outlook for Tucson tonight: Mostly clear. Low 46F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 miles per hour. Temperatures in the 60s are expected in the Tucson area on Tuesday. It should reach a pleasant 61 degrees. We will see a low temperature of 39 degrees tomorrow. We will see a mixture of sun and clouds. On Tuesday there is only a 24% chance of rain. However, check the radar before heading outside. A moderately high UV index is expected on Tuesday. Find shade from late morning through afternoon. When outdoors, apply sunscreen generously, wear protective clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses. Tucson saw periods of violent winds tomorrow, with forecast models showing wind speeds of 25 km / h from the west. Visit tucson.com for more weather updates.


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