Federal agencies are mothering plans for tented accommodation for migrants in Tucson

TUCSON, Arizona (KGUN) – Tent facilities for migrants have already been built.

One was built in Texas in 2019.

KGUN9 wanted you to know more about plans to build one in Tucson.

We contacted the immigration and customs authorities.

An ICE official told us to contact the Department of Homeland Security in Washington DC, so we did.

A DHS official told us we had to contact ICE, who had previously told us to contact them.

Neither agency made a statement regarding the proposed tent facilities for housing migrants.

We received a statement from Customs and Border Protection officials, but not specifically about the plans for facilities in Tucson.

However, they recognized the need for such facilities, and in part said, “Sometimes temporary soft-sided facilities are required to meet the operational requirements that may arise from increased encounters (with migrants), especially in difficult circumstances.”

Not a word about where or when in Tucson or Yuma these facilities will be built.


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