Flags placed at Tucson cemeteries to honor veterans | news

TUCSON (KVOA) – A number of Memorial Day events are being held across Southern Arizona this weekend.

Flags were placed on all veterans’ graves throughout South Lawn and East Lawn cemeteries in Tucson.

Volunteers gave up their Saturday morning to place flags, honoring our veterans and the sacrifices they made.

Meredith Brown estimates that she, Max and Preston laid 200 flags.

“Honor the people that have come before us, it’s part of being a scout is honor,” said Brown.

Part of a military family, and Troop 772 out of Rita Ranch, Brown has placed flags for the past seven years. It’s Preston’s first time.

“Why I like coming out here today is I love celebrating people who have passed away,” said Preston. “They served to give us freedom.”

George Palmer and his friend Henry placed flags at the entrance of East Lawn Cemetery. Both their dad’s served.

“Well somebody’s gotta do it. It makes you feel good,” said Palmer. “It’s an important thing to do.”

“So we come out here every year to honor them. On Monday we will come out to do a wreath laying and we’ll have a service then,” said Brown. “And we come back and collect the flags, we don’t want to leave them out throughout the year.”

Extra time was spent making sure no veteran’s grave is missed.


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