Flagstaff Story: Local Publication Did Not Participate in Newspaper Strikes | Local

SUSANNAH CARNEY Special for the daily sun

125 years ago

1896: Cut into two parts. On and after the first day in May 1896, the subscription price to the Coconino Weekly Sun is reduced to $ 2 per year.

Emerson High School will have a picnic lunch on the Belt Rail Road on Friday, June 5th. The Arizona Lumber Co. has offered chair carts that travel and return for free. All cars are made absolutely safe and are responsible for competent people. Other interested parties are also invited to join the adventure and bring a friend. Children are not in danger.

The cycling club is making arrangements for August membership to the Grand Canyon.

100 years ago

1921: Decorations day plans are underway and monitored with appropriate exercises.

The Orpheum was engaged for this occasion.

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The rumors that THE SUN is on strike because some newspapers are not true. Our employees work according to the American plan, in which they are paid appropriately.

50 years ago

1971: Flagstaff’s 30,000 residents use approximately 4 million gallons of water every day. Our auxiliary wells could produce up to 6 million additional gallons per day. If this project is carried out, it could be completed in about two years.

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