Food and Farm Showcase: The Page Seed Company | WIVT

GREENE, NY – Today’s Food and Farm Showcase takes us to a company that existed before the last pandemic, and whose business took off from a renewed interest in gardening.

The Page Seed Company was founded in Greene in 1896 by Erford and Cornelia Page.

It markets over 1,000 varieties of flower and vegetable seeds, as well as seeds for growing lawns and the grasses that feed the cattle.

Page buys its seeds in bulk from growers around the world, packages them up, and then sells them wholesale to retailers around the world.

The company stayed in the Page family until 2007 when it was bought by a group of 4 investors who chose to keep everything pretty much the same.

“The name is very important. A lot of people still say, “Oh, Page Seed. My grandfather bought them. ‘Or, “I’m only going to buy Page Seed because my great-grandmother bought it.” You know? ”Says Rita Smith, vice president, lawn and farm products.

Page employees are still emptying sacks of seeds into large hoppers on the second floor.

From there they fall into the packaging machines that have been in use since the 1950s and 1960s.

Page Seed is especially proud of its history.

The office is like a museum, displaying signage and diplomats from years gone by, including the iconic brightly colored parcels, many with advertisements printed on them.

“We do a lot with our marketing. To promote it, make it stand out, make it bright, make it attractive, ”says Smith.

According to Smith, the popularity of gardening rose so much during the pandemic that the business grew 20 percent.

Page now ships 30 million packages a year and its 30+ employees are working hard to keep up with demand.

Smith says the traditional summer layoff has been canceled this year and last and Page is looking for more workers.

And rising shipping and trucking costs are a challenge.

According to Smith, Page plans to continue helping gardeners grow beautiful flowers and tasty vegetables in the years to come.

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