Food programs hit the spot – Yuma Pioneer

Yuma’s meal programs have seen several positive changes lately.
The Meet and Eat program has returned for in-person meals at the Yuma Community and Enrichment Center, but continues to provide delivery service. Those looking to have a Meet & Eat meal delivered can call 848-0407.

In addition, meals are now being prepared in the center after having been prepared in Wray for many years. In addition, the program was expanded from Monday to Friday from three days a week to five days. The kitchen crew in Yuma also prepare meals for the Wray Senior Center, which has served food five days a week for years. The Wray meals are still being delivered to your home as there are still no face-to-face meetings.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there were no face-to-face Meet & Eat events in Yuma for 14 months.
Lonnie Metzler, director of the Community and Enrichment Center, said that between 35 and 50 meals are prepared every day, about half of which go to Wray. Between 10 and 15 meals are also delivered to your home in Yuma, the rest is served in the house at the CEC.
Metzler said Mondays and Thursdays were still a bit slower, explaining that there were no meals on those days until they switched to the five-day format three weeks ago.
Anyone who wishes to volunteer for deliveries can call Metzler at 848-0407 to begin the process.
The suggested donation for anyone age 60 and over is $ 4 per meal. There is a mandatory $ 11 fee for anyone under the age of 60. Meals are served at 12 noon.
Meals for eating on wheels have been prepared at the Yuma Life Care Center for years. This facility is now closed, but not Meals on Wheels.
The directors of the program have rolled out the program to the kitchen at Yuma District Hospital & Clinics and the kitchen staff at The Harmony Home. Meals are available seven days a week, but you can choose which days you would like a meal to be delivered. Call Alice Dahl at (970) 630-5921 or Robin Vincent at (970) 630-1981 to register for a meal. The cost is $ 5 per meal.
Yuma’s “Meals on Wheels” program has been running since the mid-1970s. While there is a national Food on Wheels program, Yuma’s is a local, community-run organization. Vincent said about eight to ten meals are delivered every day.
There are around 20 volunteers who take turns delivering the meals. Vincent said one person does the delivery every day and it takes about 30 minutes.
If you want to help with the food delivery, you can also call Dahl or Vincent.

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