Industrial development in Tucson is increasing

TUCSON (KVOA) – At the start of the pandemic, several companies started taking a hit as things shut down. Since then, business leaders have said Tucson is growing.

“What we’re seeing is really strong industry and manufacturing demand,” said David Welch, executive vice president, Sun Corridor Inc.

According to the Sun Corridor, more than 80 percent of inquiries for real estate in the city are directed to industrial facilities.

What types of businesses are moving to Tucson?

“These include transportation logistics, life sciences, healthcare, aerospace, renewable energy and mining technology,” Welch said.

George Hammond, director of the University of Arizona Economic and Business Research Center, said Tucson was 22,000 fewer jobs than it was in February 2020. However, he still sees the labor market spike.

“The Tucson economy has started to recover from the major economic shock we suffered during the pandemic,” said Hammond. “In terms of labor market performance, Tucson jobs have been growing gradually since June last year after a fairly strong spike in May or June.”

While many Tucsonans have lost their jobs, Hammond says new jobs have become available as our requirements continue to change.

“We’ve all done a lot more home shopping and shipping a lot more goods to our homes than we did in previous years,” said Hammond. “This has really boosted jobs and economic activity in the transportation and storage sector and most likely contributed to some of the activity in the industrial sector.”

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