Jerusalem launches photo contest, Facebook page to share stories

The city of Jerusalem launched three initiatives in honor of Jerusalem Day on Monday, including a photo contest and a Facebook group to share personal stories about Jerusalem and WhatsApp stickers, as announced in a municipal press release.

As part of the photo competition, people were asked to post photos to the community’s Facebook page and Instagram account of the most beautiful spots in the city, from landscapes to prominent buildings in Jerusalem. The photo that is considered the most beautiful will appear as the cover photo on the community’s Facebook page.

The city of Jerusalem has also launched a new community-oriented Facebook group to share love stories, pictures, humorous experiences, food, sports and other Jerusalem-related things. The platform aims to enable past and present residents of Jerusalem to share their memories of the city.

Finally, special WhatsApp stickers have been created for the holiday that people can share over the phone.

“The Jerusalem holiday is now also on the Internet and on the city’s Facebook. I invite everyone to share their experiences, stories, photos and more in honor of Jerusalem’s holiday – the most beautiful and special city in the world,” said the mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe told Lion regarding the initiative.

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