Join the Opinion Team for a Zoom chat with Bug Fixer, Carl Olson | Local editorials and opinion

The Arizona Daily Star Opinion Team will host our weekly reader chat on Thursday, August 26th at 2pm. Our special guest will be Carol Olson, the “Beetle Man”.

Carl Olson, now retired from 38 years serving as assistant curator of the UA Department of Entomology’s entomology collection and extension entomologist and lecturer, is still active in the insect community. He has authored two books on southwestern insects and trains many local faculty groups.

If you’d like to join the conversation on Thursday, email opinion coordinator Sara Brown at [email protected] and she will email you the Zoom link; or here is the meeting ID: 935 4617 8115 and the password: 346308.

You can join by video or just listen on your phone. We look forward to seeing or hearing you there.

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