National diving competition in Flagstaff | Local

Logan Pearshall practices his dive Thursday afternoon on the Northern Arizona University campus in preparation for the 2021 Masters Diving Summer National Championship this weekend.

Masters diving in Flagstaff

George McGann will practice his dive on Thursday afternoon at the NAU in preparation for the Masters Diving Summer National Championship this weekend.

ERIC NEWMAN Sun Sports Editor

Many of the best senior divers in the United States are in Flagstaff this weekend to compete in the 2021 Masters Summer National Diving Championships.

The Aquatic and Tennis Complex in Northern Arizona will host 60 divers ages 21 and up in five-year age groups – multiple divers over 80 will participate – in a competitive environment with official scores and medals. Former competitive divers and those who started the sport at an advanced age are welcome. In other years there were up to 100 participants.

Gerry Dunn, the chairman of the US Master’s Diving, watched Thursday as several divers made warm-up jumps from different heights and trained for the competition that began today.

While all divers will try to place themselves in their respective events, the atmosphere is friendly. Many of the athletes observed each other and gave feedback, often against the same people they might be facing in competition.

Dunn called the event a “family reunion” of sorts because many of the same people from the United States come to each event.

Masters diving in Flagstaff

Amy Crayne practices her scuba diving Thursday afternoon at NAU in preparation for the 2021 Masters Diving Summer National Championship this weekend.

Rachel Gibbons Photos, Arizona D

“At first it’s about having the competition, this outlet to compete, but when you’ve been doing this for a long time, you start making those connections. You see the same people in your age group and it becomes like an extended family to look forward to, ”he said.

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