Phoenix area high school students honored for veteran storytelling

High school student honored for telling veterans

If veteran’s stories are not told, they could be lost forever. At the age of 17, Michelle Satrin has a passion for listening and telling stories about those who have served the country.

On June 18, veterans from across the valley gathered to support the people who support them at an awards ceremony from the Veterans Hall of Fame Society.

At lunch, non-veterans were celebrated for helping veterans. Governor Doug Ducey also spoke at the event.

“To all of our veterans, active military personnel, families and loved ones, thank you,” said Governor Ducey.

High school student honored with distinction

If veteran’s stories are not told, they could be lost forever, but a high school student makes sure this doesn’t happen.

“This is important because most veterans never share their stories,” said Michelle Satrin, president of the Cactus Shadows Veterans Heritage Project.

By the age of 17, Satrin has a passion for listening to veterans and telling stories.

“Most of them are pretty emotional,” said Satrin.

As part of her high school’s Veterans Heritage Project, Satrin interviews those who fought for our country from the Korean War to the Gulf Wars. She logs her stories and publishes them for everyone to read.

As a result of her work, Satrin was awarded the Patriotic Awards.

“We’re losing the history we have with veterans, and it’s so important for young people, especially, to understand what went on and what happened to those people,” said James Monroe, president of the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society.

And for Satrin, her way of saying thank you is by making sure the veteran’s stories are passed on.

“My favorite thing to do has to be the wisdom you share with me, a random 17-year-old girl,” said Satrin.

The book that Satrin wrote, titled Because You Ask, is in the Library of Congress.

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