Pima County Public Library Share Stretch those finger muscles

February 11, 2021

Dexterity and manual skills are essential when writing! This means your child will have to work on building those hand muscles. There are many ways to strengthen these muscles in everyday activities. No need for tiny dumbbells for finger exercise!

Little baby play time

Little baby play time Little baby play time

Symes, SallySymes, Sally

Board Book, 2020Available DetailsView for Little Baby’s Playtime, Board Book, Available Place holdFor LaterAdd Little Baby’s PlaytimeBoard Book by Symes, Sally to your future shelfAdd Little Baby’s PlaytimeBoard Book by Symes, Sally to another shelf

small child

  • While reading a book together, pass the page on to your toddler to turn the page.
  • Play in a sandpit.
  • Take two bowls (alternatives like old microwave dishes or cake tins work). Put water in a bowl and a small sponge (you can also cut a sponge into small pieces). Have your child transfer water from one bowl to the other by squeezing the sponge.
  • Drawing and painting with crayons or finger painting is a great way to be creative and build hand muscles.
  • Let your toddler help with household chores and in the garden (supervised of course). Children can help grow weeds or aquatic plants in the garden. Inside, they can help with dusting, picking up toys, storing laundry, or other safe activities.
  • Play around with zips, snaps, and laces. Having an old zippered bag can pretend you’re shopping for groceries or packing for a trip.

A little dirt

A little dirt. A little dirt

55+ Science and Art Activities to Reconnect Children with NatureCitro, AsiaCitro, Asia

Book, 2015Available Show detailsShow details for a bit of dirt, book, keep available spaceFor laterAdd a bit of DirtBook from Citro, Asia to your future shelf Add a bit of DirtBook from Citro, Asia to another shelf

I love to paint fingers

I love finger paint I love finger paint

Lipsey, Jennifer Lipsey, Jennifer

Book, 2006Available View DetailsView Details for I Love To Paint Fingers, Book, Available Hold Place For LaterAdd I Love To PaintFingersBook by Lipsey, Jennifer to yours for shelf laterAdd I love to Lipsey finger coloring book, Jennifer to another shelf


ChopChop ChopChop

Children’s Guide to Cooking Real Food with Your FamilySampson, Sally, 1955-Sampson, Sally, 1955-

Book, 2013Available Show detailsView views for ChopChop, Book, Available Hold space for laterAttach ChopChopBook from Sampson, Sally to your future shelf Add ChopChopBook from Sampson, Sally to another shelf


  • Play catching with soft toys. This can be a stuffed animal, beanbag, or even a pillow.
  • Thread beads on a string. Creating patterns with colors and shapes will also stimulate your child’s analytical thinking.
    • An edible version of this activity is to use circular grains (example: fruit loops, honey and nut cheerios, ram, etc.) and licorice laces to make an edible necklace or bracelet. Yum!
  • Cooking together in the kitchen. Make sandwiches or let your preschooler use a cookie cutter. Have fun together!
  • Make salt dough or use store-bought dough to shape.
  • Use child-resistant scissors and glue stick to create a collage.

The complete DIY cookbook for young cooks

The complete DIY cookbook for young cooks The complete DIY cookbook for young cooks

100+ easy recipes for making absolutely anything from scratch

Book, 2020All copies usedView detailsView details for the complete Diy cookbook for young chefs, Book, All copies usedHold: 0 to 12 copiesSee keep for laterAdd The Complete Diy Cookbook for Young CooksBook to your shelf laterAdd The Complete Diy Cookbook for Young ChefsBook to one another shelf

The little garden book

The Nitty Gritty Garden Book The Nitty Gritty Garden Book

Fun projects for all seasonsCornell, Kari A.Cornell, Kari A.

Book, 2015Available DetailsViews for The Nitty-gritty Gardening Book, Book, Available Place holdFor LaterAdd The Nitty-gritty Gardening BookBook by Cornell, Kari A. to your shelf for laterAdd The Nitty-gritty Gardening BookBook by Cornell, Kari A. to a another shelf

Clay laboratory for children

Sound laboratory for children Sound laboratory for children

52 Projects to Make, Model and Shape with Air Dry Polymer and Homemade ClayStephens, CassieStephens, Cassie

Book, 2017Available Show detailsView views for Clay Lab for kids, Book, Available Hold space for laterAdd Clay Lab for KidsBook by Stephens, Cassie for shelf later Add Clay Lab for KidsBook by Stephens, Cassie for another shelf

– Megan Hellwig, Childcare Team, Kirk-Bear Canyon Library


Read, write, talk, sing, play!

When children are given the opportunity to explore doodling, draw pictures, and tell stories, they will learn reading skills. An active participant in writing helps children read stories.

Read more about early literacy and how you can improve your child’s life.

This press release was produced by the Pima County Public Library. The views expressed here are the author’s own.

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