Pima Supervisor Steve Christy: Nothing fair comes out of Tucson City Hall | Local editorials and opinion

The following is the author’s opinion and analysis:

It is becoming evident – and worrying – that rather than taking a proactive leadership position in Pima County, the City of Tucson has instead chosen a confrontational path in dealing with its regional partners. We are experiencing this on several fronts.

The tenor of communication that the Mayor of Tucson leveled at the Pima Government Association has turned into bitter, bellicose demands. The same type of “line-in-the-sand” dialogue from Tucson’s elected leaders is directed to the Regional Transportation Authority.

In addition, councilors are attempting to crush Pima County’s historic PAYGO road repair plan by using outrage and melodrama.

And perhaps the most insidious campaign of all is the city’s efforts to impose “differentiated water prices” on Tucson Water customers who live outside of the city limits. If passed, water prices for these customers could rise by up to 50%.

It seems that Tucson’s only argument in its attempts to justify its conflict-provoking efforts and positions is centered on “fairness”. In other words, Tucson gives, pays, and sacrifices more in regional affairs and costs, and receives less than any other Pima County jurisdiction.


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