Planning and Zoning Approves Recommendation for Two Page Housing Proposals

The Proposed Phases and Zone Change area for Colt Springs Subdivision. Courtesy of the City of Page.

The first of two public hearings regarding two proposed housing developments in Page took place at City Hall Tuesday evening during the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

The first project up for discussion was the Colt Springs subdivision, a proposed 170-home project next to the Ranchettes. Multiple business owners and community members came forward in support of the project, with the common thread being that the lack of available housing in Page is preventing local businesses from being able to hire employees from elsewhere. Even those who voiced questions and concerns about the project recognized that Page’s housing shortage is an issue.

The second housing project discussed at the meeting was the expansion of the already-existing Whispering Sands Apartment Complex on Sandhill. Western Region Nonprofit Housing Corporation is seeking to build at least one additional apartment complex to provide more affordable housing units in Page.

In the end, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously approved both recommendations for re-zoning and now will advise City Council to move forward with the projects. There will be another public hearing on both housing projects at the City Council Meeting on February 9th at 5:30pm. The public is encouraged to attend and voice their opinions, questions, and concerns regarding either project.

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