‘Suns in Four’ is the motto of the Tucson family

TUCSON, Arizona (KGUN) – “Suns in Four” is the collective call of the Arizonans and the motto in Henschell’s house.

“Oh yeah! I’ve been a sun fan since I can remember. I grew up with Steve Nash, Stoudemire and.” [that team]. Nash is my all time favorite player, “said Zach Henschell.

The fandom started with Zach but grew quickly. The family has made the two-hour drive to Phoenix several times during the Suns playoff run to cheer the boys on.

“I’ve never had that in my whole life. So I think, ‘I have to be at a game.’ “

The experience was well worth it for Henschell, who remembered the beginning of Game 2. He remembered turning off the lights and watching the introductory video.

“It was called ‘The Suns Go to the NBA Finals’ and everyone just broke out,” recalled Henschell.

If the family can’t come to the game in person, it’s a party at Henschulls.

“We host every single game in-house – food and everything. Everyone was great, got on really well, ”he said.

His family agrees that the playoff run brought the family closer.

It may have been an unexpected run for Zack, but he believes the Suns will bring home the championship trophy. If the team does that, find their family at the ceremonial parade.

“I go 100% to the parade and I plan to go to the ring ceremony for the first home game next year,” said Henschull.

The Phoenix Suns compete against the Milwaukee Bucks at 4:30 p.m. on KGUN 9.


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