The Border Patrol dog sniffs 60 pounds of meth at the Yuma checkpoint

YUMA, Arizona (KVOA) – A Yuma Sector Border Protection dog sniffed 60 pounds of methamphetamine from a vehicle at the Highway 78 immigration checkpoint on Friday, according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection press release.

“This is yet another example of the great job our agents and their canine partners are doing to keep deadly drugs off the streets and out of our communities,” said Chris T. Clem, Chief Patrol Agent, Yuma Sector.

After the dog informed the agents that there were suspected drugs in the vehicle, the agents searched for and found a total of 56 packets of methamphetamine hidden under bench seats and behind the rear side panels of the cargo. A small amount of marijuana and drug paraphernalia was also discovered.

Agents confiscated the methamphetamine. It is expected to be worth an estimated $ 108,000. They also arrested the male driver and female passenger, both of whom were US citizens of California.

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