Three shows you shouldn’t miss this week in Tucson | Music

Judy Collins is from the same generation/era as Dylan, only she dresses much nicer. With 55 albums to her credit, the sublime-voiced Collins has an extensive body of work to draw from when she plays the Fox Tucson Theater, 17 W. Congress St., at 7:30 pm Tuesday, March 8. $37.50 to $67.50 through

Club Congress is hosting an all-Tucson band night on Thursday, March 3, featuring Noah Martin Band, the Basements and Orchadia, but we like to think this is more of a spring break kickoff. The University of Arizona, where the Basements got their start less than a year ago, is on break from the week of March 7, which means that Thursday is, for all intents and purposes, the last day of school until classes resume March 14. Party time! The all-ages show kicks off at 6:30 pm in the club, 311 E. Congress St., and tickets are $5 through


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