Tucson author crosses the country on virtual book tour | Home+Life+Health
Author Jillian Cantor signs copies of her newly-published novel, “Beautiful Little Fools” at Mostly Books on Tucson’s east side.
Jody Hardy
Bill Finley Special to the Arizona Daily Star
The morning of Feb. 1 began like any other in the life of Jillian Cantor: coffee, breakfast, help get the boys off to school.
But it was hardly another everyday day for one of Tucson’s most popular and successful authors. It was “pub day,” publication day, release day for her 11th novel, “Beautiful Little Fools.”
HarperCollins is betting it will be Cantor’s biggest seller yet. Harper’s first edition in the US had a press run of 100,000 copies—a big number for anyone writing popular fiction. The book released last month in Australia, and was chosen “book of the month” by Australian Women’s Weekly.
Still, pub day came with butterflies.
“I get nervous every time,” Cantor said. “So, I have this book I’ve been working on and thinking about every day for two or three years. Then, at long last, it’s out in the world for everyone to read. I feel the way I did during finals in college. I’ve done all this work. Now I’m about to find out how I did.”
There was a time when authors would start pub days at the airport, embarking on book tours that would include stops at bookstores, libraries and book festivals.
These numbing adventures were grounded by the COVID-19 outbreak two years ago, so today’s “book tours” are digital — virtual conversations shared with readers on Zoom, Crowdcast and Facebook Live.
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