Yuma Border Authorities Show more migrant children

The Border Patrol claims it has arrested more than twice as many young migrant children in its Yuma sector since January 1 as at the beginning of 2019.

The last wave of migration on the border between the USA and Mexico took place in fiscal year 2019. But the wave then consisted mostly of families.

As of January 1, border guards in the Yuma region have captured 28 migrant children under the age of 13.

The pandemic in Central America, which was hit by two hurricanes, has worsened, said Jennifer Podkul.

“As a result, the influx of children leaving these countries of origin and seeking protection in the US remains high, as it has been for several years,” said vice president of policy and advocacy for a legal and social services provider, Kids in Need of Defense.

Border officials say the young children crossing near Yuma are from Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico.

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