Phoenix is ​​the number 5 least stressed city in the United States

Many are aware of the effects of stress on your mental health, but what about the physical effects? A new study from SkinStore identified the best and worst US cities for your health by analyzing stress levels across the country to determine that Phoenix is ​​one of the least stressed cities according to residents.

The study analyzed cities from all 50 states to determine which were the least and most polluted based on a range of factors, including:

  • City security
  • City happiness
  • life quality
  • Crowd density
  • Labor productivity, working hours and income
  • Credit score
  • Divorce rates
  • City pollution

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Have you ever noticed your skin breaking out when you have a stressful week or year caused by the COVID-19 pandemic? Often times, skin problems are triggered by the stress and anxiety of everyday life, even if you are just a little bit prone to them. When you’re feeling stressed out, they can really flare up.

Stress in your life can be a result of many things that can cause your skin to become dry, oily, or inflamed. This can lead to hypersensitive skin and flare-ups from skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Taking care of the right skin care products can help combat this. However, it is important to keep your stress levels low in order to stay as healthy as possible.

The SkinStore study shows you the most stress-free cities in the US using a Zen score. This is based on things like general happiness, labor productivity, average work hours, income, divorce rates, safety, and pollution, so we can figure out which cities are best for your health, overall stress-free, and in turn, the best for your skin.

America has a Zen score of 64% for least stressed cities

The study examines the general happiness, people congestion, pollution, and safety in each state to come up with an overall Zen score of 100. The average Zen score in the US is 63.73, which isn’t that bad, but almost means half the country is suffering from stress issues.

The average safety score in the US is 50.64 / 100 based on personal and home safety, financial safety, road safety, workplace safety, and emergency preparedness. This score was measured by real Americans’ views on safety across the country, where a number of factors could influence this low score.

When related to occupational safety, the total work value for those living in the US is 58.14 / 100. This score is based on the number of hours worked by US citizens. Our study shows that the average weekly hours are 38.95, although that does not mean that everything is perfect for the average American worker.

Many Americans don’t take their full annual vacation, continue to work at their desks during their “breaks”, and find themselves in stressful jobs – not a good mix for your skin.

The overall happiness score for Americans is a low 52.33. There’s a big gap between different states, with some scoring in their low 30s and others near 70.

Pollution is a global problem, and there are some states in the US that are worse than others.

The average pollution rate in the US is moderate, with urban areas scoring more than twice as many points as rural areas. Pollution is known to be harmful to your health, but daily exposure to polluted air inevitably affects your skin.

Discover the full list Here.

Salt Lake City, Indianapolis, Des Moines, Columbus, and Phoenix are the 5 most stress-free cities in the United States.

In seventh place for being stress-free, Minneapolis residents are the least stressed about how safe their neighborhood is, scoring 64.43 for safety. With a particularly good education system, a flourishing corporate sector and being best city for road safetyThis state has a lot to offer those looking for a stress-free life.

Portland, Milwaukee, and Las Vegas complete the top 10 Zen cities in the country.

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