Letter to the editor: Resident writes in support of the police | Letters

I have been informed that the City Council is considering cutting the Flagstaff Police Department’s budget by up to 55%. If this is correct, it is wrong to do it.

The National Bureau of Economic Research found that when law enforcement received significant budget cuts, crime, including violent crime, increased due to fewer contacts with law enforcement agencies.

Reducing this size would affect the response of law enforcement agencies in the community and draw on resources from other law enforcement agencies to provide support. Sheriff’s MPs and DPS State Troopers would be removed from their areas of responsibility to support the city of Flagstaff. Response times will slow down and crime will increase. The city of New York just reported that in rape alone, jurisdiction in its jurisdiction increased 400% in the last month compared to the previous year. That’s just one case.

I wholeheartedly support the Flagstaff Police and I firmly oppose any budget cuts of such draconian amounts. Write or call your council members and city administrators to tell them how you are feeling. It is your city.

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