Letter: water | Local problems | tucson.com
In Tucson, as our water on the Colorado River disappears, we are plowing the desert to build more apartment buildings and high-rise apartments to vacuum the desert dry.
In exchange for a thousand jobs, we face the loss of 75,000 trees (contributing to global warming and our desert heat), the destruction of the pristine beauty of a sacred Native American mountain for thousands of years, and the most devastating – precious water.
A foreign country will sell copper to a foreign country to make products that will be sold back to us for billions of dollars – even if we have so much copper elsewhere in Arizona to be mined.
What is more valuable? Copper or water? John Denver (trained in the Tucson Boys Choir): “More people, more scars in the country.” Shakespeare: Oh what fools we mortals are.
Diane Stephenson, retired assistant professor, U. of Mo-KC
Disclaimer: As filed with the Arizona Daily Star.
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